The Daily Halacha Moment - When To Answer Amen
״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)
“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)
When does one answer Amen?
If a person hears a beracha recited properly by a fellow Jew, they are obligated to respond with "Amen." This obligation is derived from the pasuk,
"כי שם יהוה אקרא הבו גדל לאלהינו"
("When I proclaim the name of Hashem, ascribe greatness to our God") [Devarim 32:3]. This pasuk highlights the importance of acknowledging and affirming the sanctity of God’s name through the responding "Amen." [1] One should answer with "Amen" to any beracha they hear, regardless of whether they intend to fulfill an obligation through that blessing. It is appropriate to answer "Amen" even to a tefillah or bracha that does not include Hashem’s name (Shem UMalchut). Examples of this include the Mi SheBerach, the Harachaman recited during Birkat Hamazon etc. [2] "Amen" must be recited within Toch Kedei Dibbur (2-3 seconds) after the conclusion of the beracha. However, if one is in a congregation, it is permissible to say "Amen" as long as the majority of the congregation has not yet finished responding with "Amen." [3]
[1]. Shulchan Aruch 215:2 based on the Gemara Yoma 37a; Rambam Hilchot Berachot 1:13; Mishna Berurah 215:8; Kaf HaChaim 124:30.
[2]. Shulchan Aruch 124:6; 189:5, 215:9; Mishna Berurah 215:9; Vezot HaBeracha pg 188 in name of Rav Shlomo Zalman.
[3]. Rama 124:8 says that the Amen must be said immediately after the beracha and Mishna Brurah 124:34 explains that this means Toch Kedi Dibbur. See also Vezot HaBeracha p. 189
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Netanel Aminov
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