The Daily Halacha Moment - Mistake In The Berachot Of Going Up To The Torah 📜
״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)
“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)
What does one do if one made a mistake when reciting the Berachah of going up to the Sefer Torah?
One who accidentally recited the berachah before reciting “Barechu” should not go back and recite Barechu after the berachah. However, if one remembered that he did not say Barechu before he recited the Name of Hashem in the berachah, then he should go back and recite Barechu. [1] If he already recited the Name of Hashem, and then remembers that he omitted Barechu, then he may finish the sentence with “Lamedeni Chukecha,” and then go back to Barechu. However, once he has already recited “Elokeinu” in the berachah, he may no longer go back.[2]
One who accidentally recited “Asher nattan Lanu” for the first berachah, should correct himself if he has not yet said “Baruch Atah Hashem” at the end of the berachah, and go back to “Asher bachar banu.” However, if one only realises after he said Hashem’s Name at the end of the berachah, then he should finish the berachah as regular (“Noten HaTorah”) and after the reading of the Torah, he should recite the berachah of “Asher bachar banu” instead of “Asher nattan lanu.”[3]
One who already recited “Asher bachar banu” for the first berachah, and then after the reading he recited “Asher bachar banu” again, should go back and correct himself if he has not yet said “Baruch Atah Hashem” at the end of the berachah. However, if he has already recited Hashem’s Name at the end of the berachah, then he should continue by reciting “Elohenu Melech HaOlam asher nattan lanu…”. If he only remembers after he has finished the berachah and said “Noten haTorah,” then he should not go back and recite another berachah. [4]
[1]. Rav Pealim, O.C. 4:8; Yalkut Yosef, Shabbat, book 1, vol. 4, p. 373.
[2]. Halachah Berurah, vol. 7, p. 177 in the name of Rivevot Ephraim 1:101 and Piskei Teshuvot 139:12.
[3]. Mishnah Berurah 139:15; Halachah Berurah, vol. 7, p. 171.
[4]. See in Halachah Berurah, vol. 7, p. 172.
📲 The Daily Halacha Moment is written exclusively for this broadcast so when forwarding please include the link! 😊 Netanel Aminov Founder & Author Of The Halacha Moment 🌟 Today's Halacha Moment is dedicated: 🕯 Leiluy Nishmat: Mishael Ben Frecha Efrat Bat Aushra 👰🏼🤵🏼 Shidduch: Ariel Ben Dorit Netanel Ben Dorit Yitzchak Ariel Ben Rivkah 💯 Hatzlacha: Aminov Family
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