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Pronounciation Of Parashat Zachor

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The Daily Halacha Moment - Pronounciation Of Parashat Zachor📜

״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)

“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)


Does one need to listen to Parashat Zachor in the pronounciation of his custom (I.e. a Sepharadi should listen from a Sepharadi and an Ashkenazi from an Ashkenazi) ?


Since there is a biblical obligation to hear parashat Zachor, a Sepharadi should listen to parashat Zachor read with a Sepharadi pronunciation and cantillation, and preferably with a Sepharadi sefer Torah. Similarly, an Ashkenazi should listen to Parashat Zachor in the Ashkenazic pronunciation and cantillation. If one did not, though, he has nevertheless fulfilled his obligation.


While on this topic, When I was in Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael I would pray at the same shul with the Great Rishon LeTzion, HaRav Yitzchak Yosef (Chief Sephardic Rabbi & Author of Yalkut Yosef and many other Sefarim) in _Sanhedria Hamurchevet_. One week a fellow Ashkenazic friend of mine decided to come with me to the Shul, that week was the week before purim which we recite Parashat Zachor. Being that Parashat Zachor is a biblical obligation I mentioned to my friend that since he's Ashkenaz he should listen to the Parasha from an Ashkenazic person. We ended up asking HaRav Yitzchak if he needs to listen to Parashat Zachor from an Ashkenazic person. Rav Yitzchak asked my friend if he knows how to read the Torah, my friend replied "yes". To his surprise Rav Yitzchak then asked his Gabbai to take out a Torah from the Aron Kodesh and have my friend read Zachor in the Ashkenazic pronunciation. (In the end my friend was too shy to read it out loud)


[1]. See Chazon Ovadia, Purim, p. 8; Yalkut Yosef, Purim, p. 792, which discusses this at length; and Ohr LeTzion, vol. 4, 51:3. This is also the opinion of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv as brought in Ashrei HaIsh, vol. 1, 11:2, that a Sepharadi may fulfill his obligation through an Ashkenazic recitation, and vice versa.This is also the view of Teshuvot VeHanhagot 1:154 & 401; ibid. 2:44; Moadim U’Zemanim 2:107 & 6:96; Stam KeHilchatam, 8:6; and Halichot Shlomo, vol. 1, p. 69, footnote 68. See also Piskei Teshuvot, vol. 6, pages 513–514, footnote 41. See also Minchat Yitzchak 3:9.

Regarding using an Ashkenazic sefer Torah, see Shevet HaLevi 2:211 & 10:7; Igrot Moshe, O.C. 4:9; Tzitz Eliezer 11:65; Moadim U’Zemanim 2:166; and Torat HaMoadim, Purim, p. 48.

See also Laws Of The Holidays - Nacson p. 574.

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