The Daily Halacha Moment - Wearing A Kippah 🧢
״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)
“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)
Is one obligated to wear a kippah?
Why do we wear a kippah?
Background: The Gemara in Kiddushin 31a recounts Rabbi Yehoshua’s practice of not walking four amot without a head covering, as a constant reminder of the Shechina (Divine Presence) above him. Similarly, the Gemara (Shabbat 156b) mentions that Rav Nachman’s mother ensured her son always wore a head covering so he would remain mindful of the fear of Heaven.
A male should not walk a distance of four cubits while bareheaded. [1] Although going bareheaded is not strictly forbidden and was traditionally considered merely a practice of the pious, in our times it has taken on significant importance to always have one's head covered. Wearing a kippa has become a way that generally identifies a person as a Jew who believes in the Torah and observes its mitzvot. The kippa has become a symbol of mitzvah observance, while going without one often signifies a rejection of these sacred values. Therefore, someone who goes bareheaded may give the impression that they are not observant, and it is forbidden to cast such suspicions upon oneself. [2]
One should avoid walking even less than 4 cubits without a Kippa. [3]One should also avoid sitting in one place without a Kippa, even under a roof, and certainly when out in the open.[4] Similarly, riding in a moving car, train, or plane is considered like walking and one should wear a kippa.
Furthermore, one is not required to sleep while wearing a Kippa. [5] However, It is an act of piety for one to sleep wearing a Kippa. [6]
[1]. Shulchan Aruch 2:6.
[2]. See Yechaveh Da'at 4:1; Yabia Omer 9:1. See also Yalkut Yosef English Edition, v. 1 p. 145.
[3]. Mishnah Berurah 2:11; Kaf HaChaim 2:16.
[4]. See Magen Avraham 2:6; Birkei Yosef 2:3; Kaf HaChaim 2:16.
[5]. Mishnah Berurah 2:11; Kaf HaChaim 2:18.
[6]. Yabia Omer, 6:15:2.
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